- remnant
- remnant: see remain
- remnant (n.)
- late 14c., contraction of remenant (c. 1300), from Old French remanant "rest, remainder, surplus," noun use of present participle of remanoir "to remain" (see remain (v.)). Specific sense of "end of a piece of drapery, cloth, etc." is recorded from early 15c. An Old English word for "remnant" was endlaf.
词根词缀: re-回 + mn(-main-)居住,留 + -ant名词词尾
该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:remnant 词源,remnant 含义。
缩写自古法语 remenant,剩余的,剩余部分,词源同 remain.