

doll: [16] Doll comes from the name Dorothy: the changing of r to l in personal names is a common English phenomenon of long standing, from Shakespeare’s Prince Hal (for Harry) to the currently familiar Del and Tel (for Derek and Terry). The word was originally applied to a man’s mistress (much like moll, which came from Mary), but in the 18th century it came to be applied to a ‘toy baby’. The pet form dolly dates from the 17th century.
doll (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1550s, endearing name for a female pet or a mistress; originally a familiar form of fem. proper name Dorothy (q.v.). The -l- for -r- substitution in nicknames is common in English: compare Hal for Harold, Moll for Mary, Sally for Sarah, etc. Attested from 1640s as colloquial for "slattern;" sense of "child's toy baby" is c. 1700. Transferred back to living beings 1778 in sense of "pretty, silly woman."
doll (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1867, "to pet, indulge," from doll (n.). Usually with up. Meaning "to dress up" is from 1906, American English. Related: Dolled; dolling.



来自Dorothy的昵称,用来指玩偶。比较Teddy Bear.

该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:doll 词源,doll 含义。


小女孩喜欢玩的玩具娃娃,英语里叫doll,是从Dorothy这个女子名简化来的,是其昵称,起初指“情人”或“心上人”,继而指“好看然而没有头脑的女子”,现在又用来指“玩具娃娃”。不过,今天偶尔也用它指“美貌的姑娘”:Isn't she a cute dool!(她长得真美!)




doll:[dɒl] n.玩偶,洋娃娃,无头脑的漂亮女人