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- gall

- gall: Gall ‘bile’ [12], and by metaphorical extension ‘bitterness’ and ‘effrontery’, was borrowed from Old Norse gall. It gets its name ultimately from its colour, for its prehistoric Germanic ancestor *gallam or *gallon (which also produced German galle and Dutch gal) goes back to Indo-European *ghol-, *ghel-, which also gave English gold, jaundice, yellow, and yolk.
The relationship of the two other English words gall (‘skin sore’ [14], whence the verbal use ‘exasperate’, and ‘plant swelling’ [14]) to gall ‘bile’ and to each other is not clear. The immediate source of ‘skin sore’ was Middle Low German galle ‘sore’, but ‘bile’ could easily have led via ‘astringent substance’ to ‘sore place’, and it may be that ultimately the Middle Low German word is connected with gall ‘bile’. Gall ‘plant swelling’ has been traced back via Old French galle to Latin galla ‘plant gall’, but some later descendants of this were used for ‘swelling on an animal’s leg’, further adding to the confusion.
=> gold, jaundice, yellow, yolk
代达罗斯(Daedalus) 是希腊神话中最著名的能工巧匠,技艺高超的建筑家、雕刻家和艺术家。人们夸赞他的雕像栩栩如生,是具有灵魂的艺术品。他所雕刻的人物,眼睛是睁开的,双手 向前伸开,两腿迈开,就像在走路一样。据说他的外甥曾经跟他学艺,几年之后技艺竟然超过了他,引起了代达罗斯的嫉妒,乘其不备把他从雅典卫城的城墙上推了 下去。为了逃避刑责,代达罗斯逃到了克里特岛上。在克里特岛上,他成了国王米诺斯的贵宾,受托设计一座迷宫,用来囚禁牛首人身的怪物米诺陶洛斯,这就是有 名的labyrinth迷宫。这座迷宫设计得如此巧妙,以至于设计者代达罗斯差点都被困在里面。
到了晚年,代达罗斯思 念故乡,想返回雅典,但米诺斯国王不肯放行。于是,代达罗斯用鸟的羽毛,制造了大小两副翅膀,带着自己的儿子伊卡洛斯飞上天空,朝着雅典飞去。代达罗斯事 先警告儿子不要飞得太高,以免阳光晒化用来粘贴羽毛的封蜡。但是儿子飞得高兴,忘记了父亲的警告,越飞越高,结果封蜡融化,羽毛脱落,从高空中坠落在大海 之中。
悲伤的代达罗斯掩埋了儿子的尸体后,继续飞行,来到了西西里岛,再次受到了热情款 待。在这里,他兴修水利,还在陡峭的山顶上修建了一座坚固的城堡,只能通过一道羊肠小道进入。他还扩建了厄里克斯山上的阿芙洛狄忒神庙,给女神献祭了一只 金蜂房。代达罗斯精心雕刻,那些小蜂窝几乎达到乱真的地步,跟天然的蜂窝一模一样。代达罗斯在这里培养了许多有名的艺术家,成为西西里岛土著文化的奠基 人。
daedal:['diːdəl] adj.错综复杂的,巧妙的,千变万化的
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:daedalean 词源,daedalean 含义。