

colander: [14] Colander probably comes ultimately from Latin colum ‘sieve’. From this was derived the verb cōlāre ‘strain’, which produced a Vulgar Latin noun *cōlātor. This is assumed to have passed into Old Provençal as colador, which appears to have been the source of early English forms such as culdor- and culatre. The n is a purely English innovation.
=> percolate, portcullis
colander (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
mid-14c., coloundour, probably altered from Medieval Latin colatorium "strainer" (with parasitic -n-) from Latin colatus, past participle of colare "to strain," from colum "sieve, strainer, wicker fishing net," which is of uncertain origin. Cognate with French couloir, Spanish colador, Italian colatojo.



来自拉丁词colum, 筛子,词源同percolation, 过滤。

该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:colander 词源,colander 含义。