- book

- book: [OE] Book is widespread throughout the Germanic languages. German has buch, for example, Dutch bock, and Swedish bok. There point to a prehistoric Germanic *bōks, which was probably related to *bōkā ‘beech’, the connection being that the early Germanic peoples used beechwood tablets for writing runic inscriptions on. The original meaning of the word in Old English (bōc) was simply ‘written document or record’, but by the 9th century it had been applied to a collection of written sheets fastened together.
=> beech - book (n.)

- Old English boc "book, writing, written document," traditionally from Proto-Germanic *bokiz "beech" (cognates: German Buch "book" Buche "beech;" see beech), the notion being of beechwood tablets on which runes were inscribed, but it may be from the tree itself (people still carve initials in them). The Old English word originally meant any written document. Latin and Sanskrit also have words for "writing" that are based on tree names ("birch" and "ash," respectively). Meaning "libretto of an opera" is from 1768. A betting book is from 1856.
- book (v.)

- Old English bocian "to grant or assign by charter," from book (n.). Meaning "to enter into a book, record" is early 13c. Meaning "to enter for a seat or place, issue (railway) tickets" is from 1841; "to engage a performer as a guest" is from 1872. U.S. student slang meaning "to depart hastily, go fast" is by early 1980s, of uncertain signification. Related: Booked; booking.
book:[bʊk] n.图书,书籍vt.预订,登记
beech:[biːtʃ] n.山毛榉
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:book 词源,book 含义。
词源同beech, 榉树。造纸术发明之前榉树树皮常用做书写工具。
山毛榉(beech)因树皮平滑索为情侣所喜爱,他们在树上刻上鸡心并在鸡心内刻写自己的姓名或姓名的首字母。古时候山毛榉树皮也是盎格鲁撒克逊人最早的书写材料。古英语把山毛榉叫做幻boc,也用该词来指刻有文字装订成卷的山毛棒树皮。随着科学技术的进步,书写材料一再变换,从最原始的树皮到羊皮纸(parchment)直至发明了纸。boc也几经演变最后变成book这一形式。和英语同属一个语族的德语现表示“书”的Buch 一词原先也有“山毛榉”之意。book的一些相关词的词义也和树多少有些联系,如folio(最大的对开本)源自拉丁语folium(树叶),code(密码,法典)源自拉丁语codex(树干),bible(圣经)和bibliography(书目学,目录学)源自希腊语biblos(纸莎草的内皮)等。