Therefore,we should draw on the strengths of Tibetan Esotericism,smelt Tibetan Esotericism into Chinese Esotericism and serve the revitalization of Chinese Buddhism and construction of the world Buddhism.
"World Fellowship of Buddhists Hong Kong and Macau Regional Centre, Ltd."
World Fellowship of Buddhist Youth
Islam and Buddhism are two of the great religions of the world.
Buddhism, Christianity and Islam are the three major religions in the world.
Vietnamese Buddhists burn incense in front of a Pagoda in the capital Hanoi, and recite texts for happiness, prosperity and health.
Buddhism in Ye Shis World of Thought-Specialties and Significance of Ye Shis Views of Buddhism;
Nevertheless, in an ideal Buddhist and Taoist world, the author prefers the Buddhist one.
On the Influence of Buddhist World View on the Key Conception of Chinese Ancient Geography;
The Historical Significance in China and in the World of the Buddhist Revolution Started from Huineng;
To explain the world view of Buddhism clearly, we should do it in two levels-the micro-world and the macro-world.
要完整地叙述佛教的世界观, 就要从微观世界与宏观世界两个层面来讲。
Hence on Vesak Day, Buddhists all over the world commemorate three great events: The Birth, Enlightenment and the Passing Away of Gautama Buddha.
doctrine of enlightenment as the realization of the oneness of one's self and the visible world; combines elements of Hinduism and paganism including magical and mystical elements like mantras and mudras and erotic rites; especially influential in Tibet.
At that time, the image-numberology was criticized by Buddhist scholars, who still took use of image-numberology to explicate the phenomenal realm.
The Goddess of Mercy, known as one of "the Three Saints of the West", is an important assistant of Amitabha, the founder of the "Western Paradise".
According to archaeologists, it is the greatest and most consummate repository of Buddhist art in the world.
Is the Buddhist capacity of verification, as a kind of interpreting paradigm to the world, legitimate?
The largest and richest Buddhist treasure trove in the world,the Mogao Grottoes have been in use for the longest time.
Keep with the World Trends and Satisfy the Needs of the People --On Buddhism Adapting to Socialist Society;
适应世界潮流 合乎人群需要——试论佛教与社会主义社会相适应