
refuelling outage,refuelling shutdown

refuelling outage,refuelling shutdown

  • 翻译:换料停堆


1)refuelling outage,refuelling shutdown,换料停堆2)off-load refuelling,"卸负载换料,停堆换料"3)refueling,换料4)refuelling region,"换料区,换料组,换料单元"5)pulling-reloading,拖曳换料6)loading pattern,换料方案


Design and Application of Refueling Management Information System for Qinshan Phase Ⅲ;


The article analyzes the disadvantages of refueling management for nuclear power station at present.

分析目前核电站大修换料管理方式的不足 ,提出了核电站大修换料计算机化管理的方法 ,说明建立该系统应具有的基本功能 ,介绍了系统的核心原理和具体实现情况 ,探讨了计算机程序实现的基本方法 ,并对系统的发展方向和前景作了展

The paper describes the China experimental fast reactor refueling process and software design and hardware configuration of the real time monitor and control system,detailedly introduces how to utilize configuration software to realize it and data processing,and combine its open structure with Microsoft Excel powerful report function to achieve complicated report.


Based on the flowing deformation behavior of plastic melt, the concept of pulling-reloading is brought forward.

基于塑料熔体的流变行为 ,提出了拖曳换料的概念 ,建立了新料熔体和旧料熔体在热流道系统中共同流动的物理模型和数学模型 ,并分析了注射速度、注射压力、粘度、温度等参数对拖曳换料工艺的影响 ,提出了热流道模具的设计原

Nu- merical results for the enumerating loading pattern evaluation problem demonstrate that the new method is more generic and accurate,and makes the harmonic expansion meth- od more promising.

