nodular graphite

  • 翻译:石墨球


1)nodular graphite,石墨球2)s.g.count,石墨球数3)graphite spheroidizat,石墨球化4)the number of graphite,石墨球数量5)size of graphite ball,石墨球大小6)graphitic globuring ratio,石墨球化率


The high temperature solidification structure in hypereutectic nodular iron has been showed clearly by the color etching technique and the formation mechanism of the austenite shell (the austenite shell is a part of the austenite dendrites) around the nodular graphite has been observed and analyzed.

采用着色腐蚀技术 ,可清晰地显示出过共晶球墨铸铁中的高温凝固组织 ,观察分析了石墨球周围奥氏体壳 (奥氏体壳是奥氏体枝晶的一部分 )的形成机制。

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First some thermodynamics theories of surface science are presented and then the surface free energy- adsorption hypothesis of graphite spheroidization is analysed.

在回顾表面科学的热力学基本理论的基础上,作者分析指出了界面能 (吸附 )学说在阐述球墨铸铁中石墨球化机理时存在的不足之处。

Thc graphitic rear ratio of single grain, mean value of graphitic area ratio and graphitic globuring ratio can be ealculated througy using of OMNICON 3600 image analyzer to determine graphitic roundness value and through using computer system to treat.

