
disintegration probability

disintegration probability

  • 翻译:衰变概率


1)disintegration probability,衰变概率2)decay rate,衰变率3)β-decay rate,β衰变率4)damping rate,衰变率5)nuclear decay rate,核衰变率6)total decay rate,总衰变率


We measured the variation of the decay rate of 7Be implanted in Pd and Au host materials by detecting the 478 keV γ ray emitted from deexcitation of the first excited state of 7Li which is produced by EC decay of 7Be with two HPGe detectors simultaneously,and found that the decay rate of 7Be in Pd is larger than that in Au by(0.

将HI-13串列加速器次级束流线产生的放射性核素7Be分别注入到Pd和Au中,利用两个高纯锗探测器同时测量7Be EC衰变核素7Li第一激发态放出的478 keVγ射线产额随时间的变化,发现7Be在Pd中的衰变率比在Au中大(0。

We measured the variation of the decay rate of 7Be implanted in Pt and Al host materials by detecting the 478 keV γ-ray emitted from the first excited state of 7Li which is produced by EC decay of 7Be with two HPGe detectors simultaneously,and found no difference of 7Be decay rate in Pt from that in Al within our experimental error (<0.


It is suggest that the particle is the molecular state constructed by xc1 and ρ0;the molelular state model is applied to interpret the reason why the decay rate of Y(4260)→π+π-J /ψ is much larger than that of Y(4260)→DD.


Aiming at the low-energy reaction and Gamow-Teller resonant transition, the influence of electron screening on theβ-decay rate in stellar interior is investigated in this paper.


We calculate the effective mass and damping rate in φ 3 6 theory at finite temperature by evaluating the real and imaginary parts of the one loop self energies at the hard thermal loop (HTL) approximation.

在有限温度下运用硬热圈近似求得 φ36 理论单圈自能 ,进而求得有限质量和衰变率 。

Change of ~7Be Decay Rate in Be and Au;


Most of the Ice Age spans a period of time for which no element has an appropriate decay rate.


Nuclear energy-Light water reactors?Calculation of the decay heat power in nuclear fuels


Its decay probability per second is the inverse of this time.


Probability of Atom β~+ Decay s Break though Coulomb Potential Barrier;


The breakdown of radioactive isotopes goes on at constant rates.


Rutherford first identified the action of probability in radioactive decay.


The QRS Detection and Heart Rate Variability in Congestive Heart Failure;


The Circadian Rhythm of Heart Rate Variability and the Intervention of Spironolactone in Heart Failure;


Forecast to the Prognosis of Heart Failure Patients with Heart Rate Variability


Effects of exercising on the chronotropic response and heart rate attenuation of healthy youngsters


The variant rate of decay rate is zero within thhe accuracy errors.


The actual rate of decay may be somewhat greater or less than this expected rate.


D/s=disintegrations per second


The Changes of the Variability of Heart Rate in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure and the Effect of Traditional Chinese Drug;


The Study of the Left Atrial Functions with Congestive Heart Failure by Strain/Strain Rate Imaging


Effect of Carvedilol on Strain and Strain Rate in Rabbits with Chronic Heart Failure


At the same time, deep underground, the decay of radioactive elements produced heat at rates more than six times greater than they do today.

