computed axial tomographic for head and neck scanner
computed axial tomographic for head and neck scanner
1)computed axial tomographic for head and neck scanner,头颈部X射线电子计算机断层扫描仪(颅脑CT)2)head CT scanning,脑电子计算机X射线断层扫描3)computer tomograph scanner,CT装置X射线计算机断层扫描器4)computed tomography(CT),电子计算机断层扫描(CT)5)Positron emission computed tomography/computed tomography,正电子发射计算机断层扫描/计算机X射线断层扫描6)computer tomography system (CT),计算机化X射线断层扫描仪
Objective To explore significanse of changes in electroencephalography,cerebrospinal fluid test and head CT scanning in clinical diagnosis and therapeutic effect evaluation of viral encephalitis.