
  • 翻译:先天的,生来的


1)congenital,先天的,生来的2)genetous,先天的,生来的3)Congenital,先天4)Innate,先天5)A priori,先天6)Congenital Malformation,先天畸形7)innate immune,先天免疫8)congenital absence,先天缺失9)Congenitally deaf,先天性聋10)Congenital deformity,先天畸形


Operation effect of cataract with congenital aniridia;


The prevailing viewpoint is that the innate and acquired factors all work in constructing people s inpidual character.


Opposed to Kant s view that only form-categories can be regarded as a priori, Husserl thinks that both form-category and matter-category are a priori and the difference between a priori and a posteriori signifies just the ontological difference between the universal and the inpidual.


Relationship between family history and environmental factors and congenital malformation;


The Histological Observation and Comparation of Several Congenital Malformation Fetal Skeletal Muscles;


Comparative study on influencing factors of congenital malformation in different population;


It now appears that activation of innate immune responses play a major role in atherosclerotic lesion development.


C-type lectins,as a kind of pattern recognition receptors in innate immune,can specificly recognize sugars in the surface of pathogen microorganisms in the presence of Ca~(2+),and cause a series of immune response to resist pathogens invasion effectively.

C-型凝集素(C-type lectin)是先天免疫反应中模式识别受体的一种,在Ca~(2+)存在下能特异的识别病原微生物表面的糖类物质,引起一系列免疫反应从而有效地抵抗病原微生物的入侵。

Dento-facial morphology study of female children with congenital absence of mandibular incisor;


Congenital Absence of Upper Anterior Teeth-A Dentofacial Morphologic Analysis;


[Objective] The purpose of this study was to analyze the dentofacial morphology of the patients with congenital lower anterior teeth in Jinan and to know better about the influence on dentofacial growth ,with the examination of congenital absence classification, occlusal characteristics, arch width and length ,Bolton and cephalometric analysis .

目的 通过对济南地区下切牙先天缺失患者牙齿的缺失类型、特点、牙弓长度及宽度、Bolton指数情况进行调查分析,并通过X线头影测量分析,了解济南地区下切牙先天缺失发生的一般规律以及缺牙患者牙颌面形态发育特征;探讨下切牙先天缺失对牙(牙合)关系及颌面部发育的影响;指出对下切牙先天缺失造成的错(牙合)畸形的治疗原则。

This article summarized in two aspects, of which one aspect is about the obstetric risk factors such as maternal pregnancy age, addiction (cigarette smoking, cocaine abuse), fetal sex and the another aspect is about the influence of such risk factors on the fetus such as congenital deformity, intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), low birth weight, respiratory distress syndrome(RDS).

国内外对前置胎盘发生的原因及对胎儿的影响已有深入的研究 ,就其发生的产科危险因素包括孕妇年龄、不良嗜好 (吸烟、可卡因的滥用 )、胎儿性别 ,及其对胎儿的影响包括先天畸形、宫内发育迟缓、低体重、呼吸窘迫综合征这两方面进行综
