The results indicated that the compound eye with a shape of half sphere,located on the lateral upsides of its head,was composed of 3 600 ommatidia in both sexes.
3-Eps oblong phase:the Eps lengthened to be brown oblong,the piding lines of ommatidia appeared.
An ommatidium is composed of transparency area and photonasty area;the transparency area is made up of cuticular cone and aperture,but photonasty area includes retinular cells and a lot of pigment cells.
结果表明,中国鲎复眼表面覆盖角膜层,外形呈半球形,由800~1 200个小眼组成,组成复眼的小眼面均为椭圆形。
The slim hole technology and problems in re-entry in Zhongyuan Oilfield;
Since 1995,sidetracking operations have been conducted in Zhongyuan Oilfield,and a set of perfect slim hole sidetracking technology has been formed.
This paper expounds key techniques during the operation process which include 139 7 casing window technique, slim hole trajectory control, accidental refilling, open hole sidetracking and slim hole fishing technique, etc.