Decoction of Jia Jian Xiao Yin Jie Du (JJXYJD) is got from my advisor Zhou De Ying s years of clinical practice, it is also developed from Decoction of Xiao Yin Jie Du which is frequently used by well-known Chinese Medicine Doctor Jin Qi Feng and it is used to treat normal PSORIASIS syndrome of Yin Deficiency and Blood Dryness.
Methods: 93 female climacteric hypertension patients from Mar 2008 to Dec 2008 were collected and pided into the Yin-Xu-Nei-Zao group(n=54) and the Non Yin-Xu-Nei-Zao group(n=39).
Clinical researches and literature have showed that Xiaoke results from yin deficiency and dryness heat in symptoms, and from kidney yang insufficiency in root, so yang warming therapy is an essential method in the treatment of Xiaoke.
通过临床观察及古今文献研究 ,认为消渴病的病机当以阴虚燥热为标 ,肾气 (阳 )虚为本 ,温阳法治疗消渴病为治本之法 ,临床有明显疗效。
Relationship between Chinese Medicine Pattern with Blood Levels of Sex Hormone,Lipid and Glucose in Climacteric Women Patients with Hypertension
Study on Correlation between Sex Hormones, Lipid, Blood Glucose and Yin-xu-nei-zao of Female Climacteric Hypertension
Chinese medicine practitioners from dialectical point of view, "old chronic bronchitis" is a scorching Shanglin, injury-a long illness, Qiyinliangxu Syndrome.
Clinic Research on Treating Primary Sjogren's Syndrome with the Method of Yan Yin Sheng Jin, Run Zao Tong Luo Ways
The Influence of Nourishing Yin Clearing Heat Capsule to Internal Heat Due to Yin Deficiency Type SLE in Gene and Protein Expression;
Study the Dynamic Influence of Nourishing Yin Clearing Heat Formula on Gene and Protein Expression of PBMC of SLE with Internal Heat Due to Yin Deficiency;
Study of Acute Radiation Oral Mucositis of Yin Deficiency Inner Heat Treated by Nourishing Yin and Clearing Heat;
Study on Syndrome of Yin-deficiency from Multi-Models of Yin-deficiency;
The Study of Correlation between the Sydrome of Deficiency of Liver and Kidney Yin and Dysfunction of Vascular Endothelial Cell;
The Clinical Study of the Correlation between the Daibetic Nephropathy Kidney Yin Deficiency and ET-1;
The Clinical Research of the Chronic Pharyngitis of Type of Lung-dryness Due to Deficiency of YIN with the Treatment of the Nourishing Yin Relieving Sore-throat and Adjusting Blood Recipe
Study on the Micro Syndrome Differentiation of Deficiency of Both Qi and Yin Syndrome in Patients with IgA Nephropathy;
Characteristics of TCM Syndrome in Kidney-YIN Deficiency of IgA Nephropathy
The Comparative Study on Gene Expression of Kidney-YIN Deficiency and Kidney-YANG Deficiency
Therefore, reducing the excessive and replenish the deficient can adjust excess or deficiency between yin or yang and restore the balance between them.
Insulin Combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine in Newly-diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes with Extreme Heat due to Yin Deficiency
The ratio of impairment of lung function appeared of which deficiency of yin syndrome accunted for 30.4%;
Construction of cDNA Subtractive Library of Kidney Yin Deficiency Syndrome of Diabetic Mellitus;