
Deficiency of kidney-yin and dampness-heat syndrome

Deficiency of kidney-yin and dampness-heat syndrome

  • 翻译:阴虚湿热证


1)Deficiency of kidney-yin and dampness-heat syndrome,阴虚湿热证2)Deficiency of both Qi and Yin,damp-heat retention,气阴两虚湿热证3)Deficiency of both Qi and Yin complicated by damp and heat syndrome,气阴两虚兼湿热证4)pattern of deficiency of both qi and yin and accompanying symptoms of damp-heat,气阴两虚兼有湿热证5)Deficiency of Yin with damp-heat symptom,阴虚湿热型6)heat excess and Yin deficiency syndrome,热盛阴虚证


Clinical observation:Deficiency of both Qi and Yin, damp-heat retention patients that are treated by Modified Zhu.


Objective: Exploring Zhen Qi nourishing kidney granulations’clinical curative effect and safety to chronic glomerulonephritis (CGN) (pattern of deficiency of both qi and yin and accompanying symptoms of damp-heat).


The Research of the Therapeutic of Ziyinqinglihuayufang on the Hypercoagulability of Primary Nephrotic Syndrome Due to Dificiency of Kidney-Yin and Dampness-Heat Syndrome;


Clinical Study of Using TCM Therapy Expelling Damp-heat by Boosting Qi and Nourishing Yin to Treat Chronic Glomerulonephritis of Dual Vacuity of Qi and Yin


Study on differential expression gene between syndrome of damp-heat accumulating spleen and syndrome of deficiency of both qi and yin of T2DM


Clinical and Experimental Studies on Chronic Glomeruloephritis of Deficiency of Both Qi and Yin, Damp-hent Retention with Modified Zhuling Decoction;


Zhen Qi Nourishing Kidney Granulations Clinical Study to Chronic Glomerulonephritis (Pattern of Deficiency of Both Qi and Yin and Accompanying Symptoms of Damp-heat);


Clinical Study on Treatment 82 Cases of Chronic Primary Glomemlopathy with Deficiency of Yin with Damp-heat Symptom with Dan Shao Tang


Characteristics of Qi-Yin Deficiency Syndrome and Phlegm-dampness Due to Deficiency of the Spleen Syndrome of Type 2 Diabetes;


Clinical Research That is Yiqi Yangyin Eliminating Damp-heat on Treatment of Chronic Pyelonephritis Belong to Deficiency of Qi-yin and Combination of Damp-heat


Research on the Relation of Gastric Movement Obstruction Caused by Spleen Deficiency Syndrome or Dampness-heat in Spleen and Stomach Syndrome;


The Influence of Nourishing Yin Clearing Heat Capsule to Internal Heat Due to Yin Deficiency Type SLE in Gene and Protein Expression;


Study the Dynamic Influence of Nourishing Yin Clearing Heat Formula on Gene and Protein Expression of PBMC of SLE with Internal Heat Due to Yin Deficiency;


Study of Acute Radiation Oral Mucositis of Yin Deficiency Inner Heat Treated by Nourishing Yin and Clearing Heat;


A Clinical Study on the Relevance of TNF-α and Patients of Yin Deficiency with Heat Sensation in the Palms,Soles and Chest


Clinical Research on Therapy of Clearing Heat and Draining Dampness Function (Yanqingshu Lotion) for Vulvovaginal Candidasis (Syndrome of Dampness-heat Diffused Downward)


The Clinical Observation of Niao Xue He Ji to Latent Glomerulonephritis with Hematuria Due to Yin-deficiency and Damp-heat;


The Curative Effect Observation of Huang Ling Fukang Suppository Treating the Senile Vaginitis(Renal Deficiency and Humid Heat)


Chinese medicine practitioners from dialectical point of view, "old chronic bronchitis" is a scorching Shanglin, injury-a long illness, Qiyinliangxu Syndrome.


Contra-indication for damp heat or heat caused by yin deficiency. Use caution in patients with difficulty in urination but usually shenyangxu patients have tendency to develop enlargement of prostate.

