hard chancre

  • 翻译:硬性下疳


1)hard chancre,硬性下疳2)hard ulcer,硬性下疳3)"inflexibility",“硬性”4)hardness,solidness,stiffness,硬性5)hardness,硬性6)red hardness,红硬性7)hydraulicity,水硬性8)hard factor,硬性因素9)red hardness,热硬性10)self-hardening characteristics,自硬性


Ideological political work is a science of having its inherent laws, so it is very important how to seize the standard of “inflexibility” and “flexibility”.


Effect of aluminium of alloying element on the red hardness of the high speed steels was discussed.


The hardness, red hardness and bending strength after quenching and tempering were determined, and the factorsof influence on red hardness and toughness were analysed.


Investigation on red hardness of both aluminium and common high speed steel as well as tooling quality of screw tap made of the steel shows that tooling quality of screw to tap of aluminium high speed steel is obviously better than that of common high speed steel.

铝高速钢与普通高速钢的红硬性对比试验以及丝锥切削对比的试验研究表明 ,将铝高速钢用作螺纹工具—丝锥能明显提高其切削性能 ,从国内矿产资源角度看 ,开发使用铝高速钢具有其实际意义。

Changes in quick self-hydraulicity of Baosteel different BF slag,changes in strength of different slag at different maintenance temperatures and changes in strength of different BF slag stimulated by clinker are tested in various ways.


As a new type of building material, the cement soil is composed of cement, soil and water It has the characteristics of not only soil engineering, such as the optimum water content, the maximal dry unit density, but also concrete, such as hydraulicity and strength increasing with time etc.


The paper has a discussion on the appropriateness,feasibility and effectiveness of putting the wastedump of the underground mine in the surface dip offset zone,makes an analysis on soft and hard factors of hidden dangers during waste rock dumping and introduces corresponding safety measures.


The results show that the RE-Al-bronized layer may be consisted of phases FeB without (Fe,Al)B or (Fe,Al)_2B,and the microstructure of the layer is continuous and compact, the layer possess high microhardness and red hardness.


By using such process, the hardness, together with the red hardness of the steel, may be increased evidently.

