
  • 翻译:痈病


1)carbunculosis,痈病2)Furuncle,痈3)the mechanism of epilepsy,癫痈发病机制4)furuncle and carbuncle,疖痈;疖痈5)back abscess,背痈6)vermin,蠹痈


Objective:To evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of Binghuang Antidotal Plaster in the treatment of acute ulcer and sore(Carbuncle and Furuncle with the syndrome of accumulated heat-type toxin).


One case of back abscess complicated in diabetes was treated by clearing heat and fire,harmonizing ying and discharging dampness,supplementing healthy qi and outthrusting toxin.

采用清热泻火、和营利湿、扶正托毒的内外合治法治疗糖尿病并发背痈一例 ,获

Tang Zhen centers upon enriching people and puts forward some reformation ideas of great historic significance such as establishing the country based on enriching people and forming households; agriculture-orientedness and equality of agriculture and business; eliminating vermin and becoming rich through diligence.


Some Ideas on Sucking Carbuncle and Hemorrhoids;


Theory of "Pass Through" Application in Post-partum Breast Carbuncle


Nitroform CH(NO?臁?s such a strong proton donor.


Clinical Observation on 32 Cases of Mamnitis Treated by Tuina Therapy of Shugan Liqi (Liver-qi Regulation);


Exploration on treatment of peptic ulcer with combined therapy for treating carbuncle and differentiated treatment


The Effect Observation of a Chinese Herb Medicine Xiaoyongsan on Cow Mastitis


Life and Death-A Natural Law--A Survey of the Outlook on Life and Death of Daoism from the Transference in Skeleton Works;

生为附赘县疣 死为决huan溃——从髑髅作品的流变看道家的生死观

The Clinical Observation of Golden Powder Combined Antibiotics External Application on Epididymitis and Orchitis of Damp-heat Pouring Downward Syndrome


The Study on Jie Du Xiao Yong' Effect to Rat and Jie Du Xiao Yong' Anti-inflammatory Mechanism


Effects of JDXYFY Powder on NF-κB, IL-1β and IL-8 of Rats with Ulcerative Colitis


carbuncle:a painful localized bacterial infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue that usually has several openings through which pus is discharged.


A painful localized bacterial infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue that usually has several openings through which pus is discharged.


The vices, concealments, and crimes which are the diseases of republics are the very health and existence of monarchies.

