Organic layer

  • 翻译:有机层


1)Organic layer,有机层2)soil organic layer,土壤有机层3)organic/organic interface,有机层界面4)forest soil organic layer,森林土壤有机层5)organic,有机6)organo-,有机7)organic,有机的;有机8)organic-organic phase,有机相-有机相9)organic/organic mixture,有机/有机混合物10)Copper Oleate orSilver Dialkylphosphate,有机铜或有机银


Meanwhile, numerous studies undertaken over the past decade have led to the general conclusion that enzymes in mineral soil and soil organic layer play a key role in the soil biochemical process and are closely related to the cycles of bioelements and energy fluxes in forest ecosystem.


Distribution characteristics of organic carbon (OC), ready oxidation carbon (ROC), nitrogen(N) and phosphorus (P) in soil organic layer (OL) and mineral soil (MS) were investigated to understand the role of OL in the cycles of C, N and P in the spruce (Picea purpurea Masters) (SF), fir (Abies faxoniana Rehder & E.


As a characteristic component in the high-firigid forest ecosystem,soil organic layer is a key ecological interface for nutrient cycling and energy transferbetween vegetation and soil in a forest ecosystem and a key component in the responses offorests to .


Effects of organic/organic interface on recombination efficiency in double-layer organic diodes;


In recent 10 years, the studies on forest soil organic layer have mainly focused on microbial counts, microbial biomass, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur, respiration, litter decomposition dynamics and enzymatic activity of this layer to the changing environment.


Top trends and development of natural organic cosmetics;


Determination of Organic Pollutants in Sedimentary Mud;

