Application of collagen casing in sausage filling processing;
Protein expression profile in blastula and gastrula of Bufo gargarizans was studied by two-dimensional electrophoresis,and PDQuest software was used to examine the distribution of protein spots in two-dimensional gels after scanning with a GS-800 protein densitometer.
利用双向电泳技术对两栖动物中华大蟾蜍早囊胚和原肠胚蛋白质表达谱进行分析,PDQuest软件进行统计, 结果表明在中华大蟾蜍胚胎原肠作用前后蛋白质表达在质和量上都有非常明显的差异。
Deep cells both migrated and pided more frequently than ep.