
conus medullaris

conus medullaris

  • 翻译:圆锥(脊髓)


1)conus medullaris,圆锥(脊髓)2)Conus medullaris,脊髓圆锥3)Medullary cone injury,脊髓圆锥损伤4)spinal cord cone and cauda equina diseases,脊髓圆锥马尾病变5)conus terminalis,集髓圆锥6)lateral pyramid tract,皮质脊髓侧束;锥体侧束


Objective: To provide anatomical basis for sacral complete de-afferentation at the conus medullaris.


Objective: In order to provide anatomical b asis for n eve root anastomosis in vertebral canal to the paraplegia patients with fracture and dislocation of the 1st lumbar vertebra, and to investigate the number of av ailable lumbosacral nerve roots above the level of lower edge of T 12 verte bra, and its correlation to the terminal position of conus medullaris.

目的 :研究胸 1 2 椎体下缘平面以上可利用的腰骶神经根数目 ,及其与脊髓圆锥下极位置的关系 ,为腰 1 椎骨骨折脱位所致截瘫的椎管内神经根吻合术提供解剖学依据。

4 cases were subdural teratoma,2 in conus medullaris teratoma.

髓外硬膜下 4例 ,脊髓圆锥内 2例。

Conclusion There is close relationship between lowering conus medullaris and ischemic injury of spinal cord due to drawing of tethered spinal cord. [WT5”HZ]

结论 脊髓拴系致脊髓圆锥下移与脊髓缺血性损伤关系密切。

Relationship between lowering conus medullaris and ischemic spinal cord injury due to drawing tethered spinal cord


MR Imaging of the Variation in Position of the Tip of the Conus Medullaris in the Chinese Population


(2) The anastomosis should be done at spinal conus level.

(2 )手术宜选择在脊髓圆锥平面 ;

8 cases(17. 4 % ) with myelomalacia or cavitary leison in the conus.


The authours reported 83 cases of spinal cord tumors in the conus medullaris and cauda e-quina. Male was 52 cases. Female was 31 cases.


The tumors located in the conus medullaris with 46 cases . and located in the cauda eqina with 37 cases.


The accuracy of ultrasound on locating conus medullaris in fetuses


Methods: The spinal radix at medullar conus were observed and measured on 14 child specimens.

方法 :选 14具儿童脊柱标本 ,显露脊髓圆锥及其马尾神经。

Identification of L_2~S_1 posterior roots at medullary conus level during selective posterior rhizotomy for cerebral palsy


Selective Posterior and Anterior Rhizotomy at the Level of Conus Medullaris for Treatment of SpasticCerebral Palsy


The position of conus medullaris terminal had a negative correlation with gestational age,body weight,head circumference and body height.


Objective: To provide anatomical basis for sacral complete de-afferentation at the conus medullaris.


The higher the terminal position of conus medullaris was, the more the nerve roots was above the level.


Results Of 6 cases,3 were found in conus medullaris,2 in thoracal segment,1 in cervical segment;

结果 畸胎瘤位于脊髓圆锥 3例 ,胸段 2例 ,颈段 1例 ;

Clinical Application of Neuroelectrophysiology for Spinal Cord Cone and Cauda Equina Surgery


Operative effect of thoracolumbar burst fracture uniting medullary cone injury

