conveyor belt

  • 翻译:运输线


1)conveyor belt,运输线2)vehicle routing,运输线路3)transportion network,运输线网4)Unbreakable transportation line,钢铁运输线5)international traffic line,国际运输线6)dense traffic line,繁忙运输线


This paper introduces the application of the universal logic module on automatic conveyor belt control describes and presents the main functions of the system, solutions and soft circuit diagram.

介绍了可编程逻辑控制模块在自动运输线控制系统中的应用,对系统的控制功能及实现 方法做了说明,并给出了功能块图。

Loading and transportation is a key link during logistics delivering,The rational project of cargo loading will economize the capacity of wagons,The exact planning of vehicle routing in distribution will reduce rate of empty driving,lower cost of distribution and take great effect on the customer service level.

