
  • 翻译:杂合(现象)


1)heterozygosis,杂合(现象)2)phenomenon of hybrid,杂合现象3)heterozygosis,杂合现象4)heterozygosis,杂合[现象]5)length-variant heterozygotes(LVHs),长度杂合现象(LVHs)6)hybrid,杂合7)hybridity,杂合8)hybridization,杂合9)hybrid,杂合物10)hybrid enzyme,杂合酶


Based on an analysis and categorization of foreignization and domestication in the preface and the first two chapters of Vanity Fair translated by Yangbi,the article discusses the value of foreignization and domestication as well as hybrid resulting from a combinative use of them.


The paper introduces what the theory and methodology of rough set include,and reviews the advantage,the disadvantage,and the hybrid with other theories for rough set.


From the angle of defamiliarization,cultural hybridity,the inevitable result of the necessity of communication between different cultures,is significant to counteract cultural monopolization.


The Facade of Clash and the Metaphor of Hybridity——A Postcolonial Study of Cultural Identity in Paradise;

冲突的表征 杂合的隐喻——《天堂》中文化身份的后殖民研究

On Hybridity of Postcolonial Translation;


The method of domestication or fo-reignization can decrease or increase the degree of hybridity of translation.


With the prevalence of post-colonist theories in cultural studies, the research of hybridization has attracted increasing attention in the academic community, especially in the realm of translation studies as well as social sciences.


Synthesis and antibacterial activities of new oxazolidinone-indole carboxylate hybrids;


The solubility of layered perovskite-type organic-inorganic hybrids(C n H 2 n +1 NH 3) 2MCl 4(where M=Mn,Co,Cu,Zn;n=2,4,6,8,10,12) in seven kinds of solvent are obtained by atomic absorption spectrometry and titration method.


Layered perovskite-type organic-inorganic hybrids is a new functional material which is assembled with organic and inorganic components in molecular scale.


It was found that hydrolysis activity was kept in the hybrid enzymes.

将来源于Esherichia coli的α亚基分别与Kluyvera citrophila,Providencia rettgeri,Alcaligenes faecalis的β亚基重组得到三种杂合酶,杂合酶表达量随野生型PGA同源性的减小而降低,E。

Objective To obtain recombinant hybrid enzyme SOD1/3 with higher activity in E.

目的获取活性高的重组SOD 1/3杂合酶。
