From decision phase,design stage,bidding stage,construction and completion stage the investment controls are analyzed.
Combined with many years of experience, it analyses the problems which should be adverted at the stage of bidding in a project, and elaborates some problems during performing the contract such as dealing with the relations with owner and constructing company, supervising item department’s personnel, so as to improve the quality of culture relic protection project.
(b) the name and address of the entity awarding the contract;
(a) the nature and quantity of products or services in the contract award;
(c) Awards shall be made in accordance with the criteria and essential requirements specified in the tender documentation.
(c) 应依照招标文件列明的标准和基本要求授予合同。
(e) the value of the winning award or the highest and lowest offer taken into account in the award of the contract;
(e) the address of the entity awarding the contract and providing any information necessary for obtaining specifications and other documents;
Such reports shall contain the following information with respect to contracts awarded by all procurement entities covered under this Agreement:
The company is confered to “contract-abiding and trustworthy ”enterprise of Jiangxi province.
4. If an inpidual requirement for a procurement results in the award of more than one contract, or in contracts being awarded in separate parts, the basis for valuation shall be either:
4. 如一单项采购要求授予一个以上的合同,或使合同分几部分授予,则估价基础应为:
Article XIII Submission, Receipt and Opening of Tenders and Awarding of Contracts
第13条 投标书的提交、接收和开启及合同的授予
The basis for bid evaluation and contract award, by item or package, shall be specified herein.
- the solution of particular technical problems relating to the award of a specific contract;
- 解决与授予一特定合同有关的特殊技术问题;
"It will not authorize a third party to utilize the Registered Trademark upon and in connection with the manufacture, sale and distribution of the Contract Products in the same area specified in this Contract."
Licensor agrees to grant a license to Licensee to export Contract Products to __________(Country).
And form1989, We have continue got" Importance to the credit standing first, complying with contracts signed"12 times from our govement.
1. The submission, receipt and opening of tenders and awarding of contracts shall be consistent with the following:
1. 投标书的提交、接收和开启及合同的授予应与下列规定相一致:
2. Entities shall prepare a report in writing on each contract awarded under the provisions of paragraph 1.
2. 各实体应就根据本条第1款规定授予的每份合同准备书面报告。
The school has recently been awarded the contract for the codification of Ireland's criminal law by the Department of Justice and Law Reform.
No right to grant sublicenses is granted or is to be inferred or implied under this Contract.