chief wave

  • 翻译:主波


1)chief wave,主波2)dominant wavelength,主波长3)dominant wave direction,主波向4)central waveguide,主波导5)main lobe,主波瓣6)Dominant Wavelength Theory,主波长理论


A novel method based on the Graham scan is proposed to extract the chief wave of the spectrogram envelop, while an improved angle detection method is applied to recognize the features.


The results show that two particular and wide absorption bands,band a1 (425~428 nm) and band a3(693~688 nm),are present in Qingu turquoise samples,and the dominant wavelength and purity of the visible absorption spectrum are corresponding to the colour characteristics.

采用USB2000微型光纤光谱仪测试了湖北秦古绿松石样品的可见吸收光谱,结果表明,该样品在可见光范围内存在a1(425~428 nm)和a2(683~688 nm)两处特征的吸收宽谱带,其可见吸收光谱主波长和纯度的变化与颜色特征具有一定的对应关系。

By using the PUV method,a method to compute wave directional spectrum with observed pressure and current vectors,the wave directional spectrum can be calculated and the dominant wave direction is then obtained.


The system is pided into six parts, which are central waveguide, coupling, detector, filter, connection and test results.


The theoretical model and nonhomogeneous differential equation and dominant wavelength theory of folding and deforming of equally thick multi layer intercalated between equal thickness and character media are created by using mechanics of elasticity and plasticity.

运用弹性力学和塑性流变学理论建立了夹于相同力学性质等厚度介质中同厚度多层褶皱变形理论模型、非齐次偏微分方程及主波长理论 ,运用数理方程和特殊函数理论解出齐次偏微分方程的特解和一般解 ,并用弹性材料和塑性材料的模拟实验加以验证 。

In this paper, the limitation of Blot and Ramherg s "Dominant Wavelength Theory" isdiscussed, and modified theory applicable to the folds of single layer as a surface-layer is pro-posed.


The limitation of the existing“Dominant Wavelength Theory”is discussed,and modified theory forapplicable to the folds of single layer on the limitedly thick media is proposed.

