carbide network

  • 翻译:网状渗碳体


1)carbide network,网状渗碳体2)edge network cementite,边缘网状渗碳体3)reticular,网状4)network,网状5)mesh,网状6)network cracks,网状裂纹


In order to detect the carbide network in high carbon hypereutectoid steel wire rods accurately,two kinds of detection method of the carbide network are compared.


Lichen planus presented as reticular erythema:a case report;


One case report of mycosis fungoides with the clinical presentations of reticular erythematous mucinosis;


A pedigree of reticular pigmented anomaly of the flexures;


Teachers,students and media form the network relationships.


P-cycle is a promising approach for protecting working capacities in optical mesh networks.


The p-cycle is a promising approach for protecting working capacities in optical mesh networks.


p-cycle is a promising approach for protecting working capacities in optical mesh networks.

通过计算机仿真结果表明,该算法即实现快速容量配置又保证保护效能高,性能优于枚举算法,适合网状光网络中的 p圈配置。

The results of microscope,SEM,TEM and EDS revealed that the particles precipitated in the pre- austenite grain boundaries will result in network cracks under sufficient stress such as thermal stress,bending and straightening stress due to uneven cooling of strand surface.


For the surface network cracks in 200mm thickness slabs for pipeline and veicle frame,it is found that the carbon content,Mn/S ratio and Al,Ti,V,Nb alloy additions and continuous caster conditions are attributa- ble to the formation and propagation of surface and subsurface network cracks.


For the surface network cracks in 200mm thickness slabs for pipeline and vehicle frame, it is found that the carbon content,Mn/S ratio and Al,Ti,V,Nb alloy additions and continuous caster conditions are attributable to the formation and propagation of surface and subsurface network cracks.

针对攀钢生产的管线钢、梁板钢等200×1300mm~2连铸坯表层出现网状裂纹,对其影响因素进行统计分析,发现钢中C、Mn/S 比和 Al、Ti、V、Nb 等合金元素及连铸机设备和浇注状况对连铸坯表层网状裂纹的形成和扩展都有重要影响。
