
dislocation microstructure

dislocation microstructure

  • 翻译:位错组织


1)dislocation microstructure,位错组织2)dislocation,位错3)dislocations,位错4)dislocation,位错点5)edge dislocation,刃位错6)dislocation mechanism,位错机制


The dislocation microstructure was analyzed by TEM for grains of different orientations in polycrystalline copper during tensile deformation, and also the correlation of plastic deformation behavior between polycrystalline and single crystal copper was studied.

利用TEM分析拉伸变形多晶铜中不同取向晶粒的位错组织 ,研究了多晶与单晶形变行为的相关性。

A Probe into the CAI Courseware of Dislocation of Metallography Course;


Influence of image force on dislocation configuration near free surface of high purity aluminium;


TME study of dislocation configuration of heat-resistant steel 12Cr1MoV heated at high temperature;


In both primary γ-grains and γ-laths within lamellar α2+γ colonies, the ordinary 1/2<110] dislocations and the true twins created by1/6<112] partial dislocations or pseudotwins created by 1/6<121] partial dislocations were o.


The helices come of screw dislocations.


The microstructures, precipitates of thin foil and dislocations density of hot strip of low carbon steel produced by CSP were observed using optical microscope, H-800 transmission electron microscopy and positron annihilation technology (PAT).


The dislocations in wheat straw pulp fibers were measured by comparing the average weighted length of the fiber before and after treatment with hydrochloric acid which induced the cleavage of the fibers in the dislocations.


Combining MAEAM with MD simulation method,both the relaxed structure and strain energy of an a[100] edge dislocation in metal Mo have been simulated systematically in atomic scales.


The interfacial energy of γ/ α interphase boundaries in the undeformde austenite and deformed austenite, the envir onment sensitive embedding energies (E ESE) of C, N and microalloyin g elements Nb , Ti or V (in the form of air mass) in the area of edge dislocation in austenite wer.

通过计算机编程建立奥氏体相中 12 [110 ]刃位错、奥氏体相中非形变区和形变区奥氏体 铁素体相界模型 。

The atomic structure model of 1/2 edge dislocation in ferrite phase of steel or iron was set up with computation programmed.

通过计算机编程建立了钢铁中铁素体相中的1/2[1 1 1]刃位错的原子结构模型,用实空间的连分数方法计算了碳、氮及合金元素在完整晶体及位错区引起的总结构能和环境敏感镶嵌能,讨论了碳、氮及合金元素在位错区的偏聚及交互作用。

The dislocation mechanism of aluminum alloy strengthening is introduced mainly.

