
precipitation annealing

precipitation annealing

  • 翻译:析出退火


1)precipitation annealing,析出退火2)emptier,退火炉出炉工3)temper precipitated phase,回火析出相4)draw gang,出窑小组[玻璃退火窑]5)back-out,旋松;退火;取消;拧出6)back-out,脱出,逆序操作,退火


Cr10Co6MoVNbN is an important aviation material , and its mechanical property can be greatly affected by the heat treatment The effect of temper precipitated phases on the creep resistant property of 1Cr10Co6MoVNbN was studied The result shows that the creep resistant property of 1Cr10Co6MoVNbN changes with the amount of V+Mo in MC , and the change curve presents a parabol

1Cr10 Co6 Mo VNb N是一个重要的航空材料 ,热处理对其力学性能有很大的影响 ,主要研究了回火析出相对 1Cr10 Co6 Mo VNb N蠕变性能的影响 ,结果表明 ,在 5 5 0~ 6 80℃之间 ,随着回火温度的提高 ,钢的蠕变性能出现了抛物线型变化规律 ,这与钢中 MC析出相中 V+Mo的量有良好的对应关系。
