
TSL Tri C State Logic

TSL Tri C State Logic

  • 翻译:三态逻辑(电路)


1)TSL Tri C State Logic,三态逻辑(电路)2)tri-state logic circuit,tri-state logic,三态逻辑电路3)tri-state logic circuit,三态逻辑电路4)three-state,三态5)three-level,三态6)"three-pattern",“三态”7)triplet,三态8)tri-state,三态9)tristate,三态10)three-state model,三态模型


Todays, the three-state current hysteresis control has an extensive application.

目前,三态电流滞环控制技术已得到了广泛的应用,但大多数应用场合使用的是三态 DPM 电流滞环控制技术,其调制信号频率的大范围离散变化,致使逆变器输出滤波器设计较难、体积重量较大、输出频谱特性不理想、逆变器噪音较大。

A scheme for teleporting an unknown entangled state of three three-level particles is proposed when four three-level particles state of maximally entangled is used as quantum channel.

提出一种利用 4个三态粒子的最大纠缠态作为量子信道来隐形传输一未知的 3个三态粒子纠缠态的方案。

We propose a scheme for probabilistically teleporting an unknown three-particle entangled state of three-level by using a four-particle entangled state of three-level as quantum channel.


Analysis on the Constructure of the "three-pattern" Tourist Culture;


Based on the three-state model of protein denaturation-renaturation, an equation describing the effect of protein concentration in denaturant solution on renaturation yield of denatured protein was pre- sented.


Based on former three state partition of working states,a new three-state model is advanced.

