
KOQL Knowledge Object Query Language

KOQL Knowledge Object Query Language

  • 翻译:知识对象查询语言


1)KOQL Knowledge Object Query Language,知识对象查询语言2)KQL Knowledge Query Language,知识查询语言3)OQL,对象查询语言4)KQML,知识查询与处理语言5)knowledge query and manipulation language(KQML),知识查询和处理语言6)KQML,知识查询和操纵语言


Extends the base knowledge query and manipulation language(KQML) to support multi-agent group re-keying protocols and secure group communication protocol.


We represent the characteristic of KQML and put forward the idea of constructing the cost calculation system, which includes quantities calculation agents and cost calculation agents, applicable for not only tender bidding but also tender offer.

笔者阐述了知识查询和操纵语言KQML的特点及其应用于招投标计价系统中的可行性 ,从计价角度分析了工程承包合同的类型 ,构建了工程量计算A gent系统和造价计算Agent系统 ,提出了构建适用于投标计价和做招标的标底的招投标计价多Agent协同工作系统的思想 ,该多Agent协同工作系统包含工程量计算Agent和造价计算Agent。

KQML(Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language) which is a protocol for exchanging information and knowledge, is widely used as an agent communication language.

知识查询和操纵语言是目前多代理系统中广泛采用的通讯规范之一 ,它规定了标准格式来支持代理间的实时通讯。
