
aggressiveness type

aggressiveness type

  • 翻译:侵占型


1)aggressiveness type,侵占型2)Tunneling,侵占3)misappropriation,侵占4)encroachment,侵占5)expropriation,侵占6)embezzlement,侵占7)disseisin,侵占8)disseize,侵占9)usurp on,侵占10)appropriation,侵占


Through added "misappropriation factor" to the models of Holstrom and Milgrom,we built a relation between information trade and organization capital.


The crime of misappropriation refers to the act that a custodian trustee illegally possesses a relatively large amount of property custodied by himself and refuses to return them to the property owner.

侵占罪是将代为保管的他人财物非法占为己有 ,数额较大 ,拒不退还的行为。

The Situation of Encroachment to the Legitimate Rights for Herdsman s Grassland、Causes and Approaches of Protection;


This article aims to study fundamental causes of land encroachment with analysis of typical examples, and puts forward relevant legislative and judicial suggestions and suggestions for reforming the system.


The Research in the Expropriation and Governance of New Principal-Agent Problem;


This paper mainly investigates the relationship among finance expropriation, performance and marked reaction as investor’s legal protection levels improved .


Stipulated in the Criminal Law of PRC(revised) as a common crime against propert y, the crime of embezzlement is specific in making as different from other crim es against property.

侵占罪是我国刑法中的一个新罪名 ,但又是财产犯罪中常见的一种犯罪行为 ,但此罪构成上具有特殊性 ,区别与其他财产性犯罪 ,涉及的具体概念需要予以界定 ,以准确把握 ,且发生侵害事实后其诉讼方式有探讨必要。

Theft and Embezzlement crime are different forms of property offence crime, judicial practice sometimes is difficult to make clear and precise definition.


Article 270 of China s Criminal Law prescribes that whoever unlawfully takes possession of the object which another person has forgotten about or buried and another person s money or property which is under his custody and refuses to hand it over or refuses to return it, if the amount is relatively large, he has offended the Criminal offense of embezzlement.

