genus homo

  • 翻译:人属


1)genus homo,人属2)homo,人属3)personal attributes,个人属性4)private property attribute,私人属性5)Patient Belong to,病人属于6)Pithecanthropus,猿人属7)"Man belongs to literature","人属于文学"8)attributes of political man,政治人属性9)personal law of legal person,法人属人法10)personal law of the physical person,自然人属人法


A sample composed of 131 subjects from China Unicom in AnHui was studied empirically to explore the relationship of the personal attributes and organizational commitment with turnover intention.


SHEN Yan_bing established the thinking of "Man" as centre,enriched the modern idea of "Man belongs to literature" and built "Man s literature" from three angles of inditers,objects and readers during the May 4th period.


The countries of the common law system are apt to identify personal law of legal person as the law of the.


The personal law of the physical person is a country s law which lastingly governs the physical person s legal relationship with the country.

文章认为 ,自然人属人法就是与一个自然人有密切关系的、持久地决定该人的法律关系的那个国家的法律 ,它具有三个基本特征即时间上对自然人的持久决定性、空间 (即法域 )上的密切关联性、内容上的直接的人身关联性 ;当代属人法呈现出两个明显的历史发展趋势 ,即本国法原则大为弱化 ,住所地法原则得到加强的趋势和传统的属人法领域受最密切联系原则影响越来越广泛和深入的趋势。
