color dimension

  • 翻译:色维度


1)color dimension,色维度2)dimensions of color,颜色维度颜色维度3)green building dimension,绿色建筑维度4)three-dimensional grey correlation degree,三维灰色关联度5)Lovibond colorimeter,洛维邦得色度计6)gray multiple factor comprehensive subordinate degree,灰色多维综合隶属度


Evaluated the results of potato variety compare test comprehensively with gray multiple factor comprehensive subordinate degree in order to analysis comprehensive manifest of variety objectively and overcome the limition that varieties were selected only by yield, the other properties were determined subjectively during breeding.

为全面客观地分析品种的综合表现 ,克服以往育种中仅以产量为主 ,其它性状凭主观判断来选择品种的局限性 ,我们用灰色多维综合隶属度评估方法对马铃薯品比试验结果进行综合分析评估。
