
  • 翻译:神秘化


1)mysterization,神秘化2)mystery,神秘3)miraculin,神秘果素4)Mystery Survey,神秘人5)the mysterious number of nine,神秘数九6)Mysterious Customer,神秘顾客


But the mystery is a Utopian dream about folk myth,or is what puzzles the author himself.


This thesis, through analyzing two contemporary best sellers by the Chinese American writer Amy Tan and the Afro-American writer Sue Monk Kidd, elucidates this thematic import from the aspects of locale, instinct, and mystery.


An analysis is made by the author on the advocacy of such characteristics as swordsmanship,mystery and fair sex which are portrayed in the novels on chivalry contained in the book Taiping Guangji (Records of Peaceful Times),with a pursuit of the historical causation and the information of the times.

文章旨在从崇尚武艺、崇尚神秘、崇尚女性三方面分析《太平广记》“豪侠”卷小说 ,并从中探究历史的原因与时代的信

The purification methods of miraculin were reviewed including dialysis, solvent extraction and chromatography in this paper.


The Mystery Survey which is broadly used is an effective way to reduce the "Delivery Gap" in the total service gap.


Application of Mysterious Customer Method in Library Service Quality Management;

