time order error

  • 翻译:时序误差


1)time order error,时序误差2)TOE,时序误差3)timeorder error,时序误差4)time sequence,时序5)timing,时序6)time order,时序7)sequence,时序8)Time series,时序9)timing sequence,时序10)sequence in time,时序


Analysis and countermeasures against boiler MFT caused by improper time sequence;


Under the same reheating conditions, the influence of time sequence of stretch and blowing (characterized with delay time t0) on the preform growth in stretch blow molding (SBM) was studied using a transparent mold and a digital camcorder.


In this paper, the action and time sequence of the multiple peg in hole are analyzed with an assembly machine.

多轴孔装配是一类实际和复杂的装配任务 ,本文根据设计的装配机分析了整个任务的装配动作及时序 ,并给出了任务控制布局图 。

Startup process timing analysis of liquid bipropellant pressure-fed propulsion system;


Implementation of Parallel Extending Memory Based on Timing for AT89C2051;


Combining with the timing of strip elements spraying status calculation and setup values outputting in on-line feed-forward control,the timing of calculation and outpu.


On The Time Order in The Narrationism and The Narrative Order in The Traditional Theory;


Secondly, it is concluded through analyzing time order that simulating SPI operation using UART mode 0 is effective after proper data transformation.

接着经过时序分析得出 ,进行适当的数据排序变换 ,可用 U ART方式 0有效地模拟 SPI操作 。

The paper puts forward a kind of photo electricity detector preposition videoplayer and time order gain control circuit,and narrates its work principle,device consideration and calculation.


Since it is unsuitable for direct access by Digital Signal Processing(such as TMS320LF2407),a sequence conversion method is put forward by using Field Programmable Gate Array(FPGA),and the detailed process of operation is introduced in the paper.


According to the charac- teristics of C8051F020 single-chip slicer and SED1335 controller,the reading-writing sequence of SED1335 lattice liquid crystal controller was analyzed,and the maximum frequency required by the sequence of SED1335 controller was calculated.


Firstly, the role of sequence in circuits was discussed.


The study of decision making method to multiple attribute decision making with time series;


Time series prediction of machining size;


Effects of different thermal backgrounds on urban rainfall(rainstorm) (Ⅱ): chaos analysis in time series data of rainfall;

