commotio retinae

  • 翻译:视网膜震荡


1)commotio retinae,视网膜震荡2)commotio retinae,视网膜震荡伤3)OPs[ɔps],视网膜振荡电位4)visual shock,视觉震荡5)oil whip,油膜震荡6)cobweb shock,蛛网震荡


Study of ligustrazine on severe commotio retinae;


Clinical study on effect of vinorutoni in treating commotio retinae (Berlin′s disease);


· AIM: To analysis the pathology and diagnosis of commotio retinae and retinal trauma, and to evaluate the therapeutic effect and prognosis.


Changes of macular light sensitivity in patients with commotio retinae;


Through analyses and calculation of traffic sign s visible cognition during tunnel s exit,the equation of S(the distance between sign s position and tunnel s exit)based on duration time of visual shock has been established,through many driving experiments of freeway tunnel s exit,according to the result of duration time of visual shock.

通过对隧道出口标志视认性分析计算,建立基于视觉震荡持续时间的公路隧道出口交通标志至隧道口安全距离S关系式,在大量高速公路隧道出口行车试验基础上,根据视觉震荡时间分析结果,得出了在隧道内限速为60km/h与80 km/h时的S合理取值。

Systematical research results about the procession of oil whip developed from oil whirl were obtained, but the phenomenon of the whirl frequency holding which does not change with the rotating frequency were not explained theoretically.

转子系统由油膜涡动发展成油膜震荡的过程已有系统深入的研究结果, 但油膜震荡发生后, 继续提高转子转速, 油膜震荡频率保持不变的频率滞留现象根据现有模型尚未得到合理的解释。
