In this article, I summarize Liu Yong s four types of expression of feelings in long-term Business trip including the type of water lily drifting on water, the type of feeling sleepless at night in a hotel, the type of climbing up and looking far away, and the type of felling sadness of saying goodbye.
Starting from Meng Jiao s source of art and artistic tendency, the author of this paper goes deeper into the level of the poet s feeling, analyzes his unique way of feeling, of expression and whose relationship with poems turned out in the Dali and Yuanhe periods.
The artistic feature of their poems consists of perse styles,personal expressions and the vulgar and elegant language.
Discussion about the Expression Techniques of the Artistic Conception of Chinese Classical Gardens;
The article analyzes the expression techniques and cultural origin of lucky patterns on blue allover in China, and shows the application and prospect of the blue allover.
该文分析了蓝印花布吉祥纹样艺术形式的表现手法和文化渊源 ,并说明了蓝印花布的现代运用及发展前
In translation,an inadequate comprehension of Chinese poetry s expression techniques and cultural connotation will influence the versions beauty in meaning and even distort the author s original intention.
The design for advertisement of newspapers and periodicals and its technique of expression;
Conclusion Zhang Ailing s novels artistry is based on its idelological content,which show us superb artistic techniques in its structure, artistic form and technique of expression.
This paper is the analysis of the theme and its technique of expression in “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” by Ernest Hemingway, who has come to fame with the publication of several stories.
There have being misunderstanding for the handpainted performance duo to the rapid development of computer draw technology.
On The Magic Expression Techniques Of Magic Realism
The look of these pottery sculptures is informal, simple, exaggerated and compact;
A Study of the Decorative Expressive Techniques of Koguryo Grave Frescos;
The Characteristic of Native Audio-visual Art and the Studying of the Technique of Expression;
On Jiangs Expression Way of Erhu Art from Han Gong Qiu Yue;
The Cultural Characteristics Embodied in the Arts of Stone Windows in Zhejiang Province;
On the theme and writing style in Hemingway s A Day s Wait;
The Theme of The Zoo Story and The Means of Its Presentation;
A Comparison of Writing Technique between "I Am A Cat" and "Madman s Diary";
On the Literature Ending of O·Henry Style;
Symbolism on Invisible Man;
On the defamiliarization techniques of Zhang Ailing s works;
On the ironic technique in foreign literature;
On the Unfamiliarization Techniques of “East Wind:West Wind”;
On the Types of Pictorial Tombs of the Han Period and Their Means of Artistic Expression
The Expressive Techniques of Black Music in the Narrative of Beloved;
On the Comment-Poetry in the Early-Stage of the Tang Dynasty;
its means of creation from reappearance to expression;