This article aims to grasp the whole thread of his thoughts on running Ta Kung Pao by expounding Zhang Jiluan s traditional thoughts.
s: As an American writer in the 20th century, William Faulkner was deeply influenced by the traditional thoughts and values of the South.
作为二十世纪的美国南方作家 ,福克纳深受南方传统思想和传统价值观的影响 ,他的作品如同他的一些公开演讲一样明显对南方传统文化怀有浓重的认同感和超越感 ,他在这一双重情感的斗争中 ,犹豫过、徘徊过 ,但最终克服了自己的局限 ,在对人和人性的深层的哲理思考和痛苦的精神探索的过程中 ,引发了对人类价值和普遍意义的寻找 ,因而成为二十世纪美国伟大、清醒的小说家。
He is greatly influenced by such traditional thoughts as the Confucian thoughts and the styles of Weijin and Six Dynasties.
吴敬梓的思想内涵十分丰赡 ,传统思想中的儒家思想和魏晋六朝风尚对他的影响至大 ,而时代思潮中的颜李学说以及自然科学学风也同样影响了他。
Its 6 major features are closely related to the essence of the Chinese traditional thought.
Zhu Ziqing was deeply influenced by Chinese traditional thought.
In the period of 1920s to 1930s after the May 4th Movement, in order to make the traditional thought modernize and the west thought Chinesize, while highly praising the Confucian school idealist philosophy of Song and Ming dynasties, Liang Shuming absorbed many modern west bourgeois ideas to perfect his own theory.
五四运动后的 2 0 -3 0年代 ,为使传统思想现代化和西方思想中国化 ,梁漱溟在推崇宋明理学的同时 ,吸收了许多西方近代资产阶级思想来完善自己的理论。
A Brief Discussion on Practically Reinforcing and Improving Propaganda of Ideology in Colleges and Universities;
At the same time, the text points out the meaning and contribution of studying Confucian s Propagation activities and propagation thought for establishing China s Characteristic communications.
Delivering Effect of Ideology in Ideological and Political Education;
A system of characters or symbols used to express or convey thought and meaning.
Love Transmission: A New Way to Carry out the Ideological and Political Education Work of University Students
The basic definition of "communication" is to succeed in conveying one's meaning to others.
The Effect of the Fast Spreading Information on Teenagers Traditional ideological and Moral Education and Its Policy Research;
Don't you think it passes on to children the corrupting values of a corrupt society?
Whether or not a language is standardized has direct bearing on the efficiency of both the exchange of ideas and the transmission of information.
They all play well with a global public that is hungry to communicate.
Primary Clause, Secondary Clause and Message Conveyance: A Comment on Halliday s Clause Complex Theory;
As a young boy, having two fathers, I became acutely aware of being careful which thoughts I chose to adopt as my own.
Knowledge began to increase as soon as the thoughts of one inpidual could is communicated to another by means of speech.
"The artist communicates his visual message in terms of the sensuous qualities and expressive possibilities and limitations of a particular medium, technique, and form."
Various Translations of Flower and Reflections on the Transmission of Cultural Information;
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The negative sign means that energy is transferred from the oscillator to its environment.
The Blue Sea Strategy--a New Thinking about Document Communication Service in the Libraries;
The New Method on Vocabulary--Acquisition of the Second Foreign Language;
Copyright problems in the document dissemination of libraries;