
stochastic learning theory

stochastic learning theory

  • 翻译:随机学习理论


1)stochastic learning theory,随机学习理论2)random learning,随机学习3)stochastic dynamic theory,随机动力学理论4)learning double mechanism theory,学习双机制理论5)Stochastic theory,随机理论6)random theory,随机理论


Under such a condition,traditional random learning and systematic learning can never satisfy man s learning requirements and as a resu lt a new learning type ---systematically random learning has become the main stream of acquiring knowledge and developing abilities.


Study of the stochastic dynamic theory of DNA s strand breaks with repair induced by irradiation; Laws of SSB and DSB.;


Approach to evolution of the shape of fluid flow in rocks by stochastic theory;


Pointing to uncertainties in process of the construction and operation of concrete dam , the method of stochastic back analysis of material parameters is put forward on the basis of stochastic theory and structural analysis.


For the bed load discharge of the Lijiang River, by the method of combining mechanical analysis with stochastic theory, a formula of bed load rate is established; and through the experimental research, the coefficients are determined.

采用力学分析和随机理论相结合的方法建立推移质输沙率计算模式 ,并通过水槽试验补充研究 。

On the base of this, the difference between the rough theory and other uncertain theories such as fuzzy theory,random theory and grey theory is analyzed.


By the method of random theory,the influence of resistance thermal flutuation on circuital current transient process in a RL series circuit is studied And the s table probability density in current,average current and current flctuation are calculated.

利用随机理论方法研究了RL串联电路中电阻的热涨落对电路中电流暂态过程的影响,计算了 电流的定态几率密度,平均电流与电流的涨落。

Though the levels of understanding of grey theory and random theory are different, grey thoughts and grey ideas are reflected in the use of many random methods, and grey problems could be understood, studied and dealt with from the viewpoint of random under certain conditions.


stochastic learning theory

随机学习理论 随机学习理论

The Key Theorem of Learning Theory on Rough Random Samples;


Key Theorem of Learning Theory Based on Rough Random Samples


The Problem of Credit Assignment. Perceptron Learning Rule. Convergence Theorem.? Learning by Gradient Following. Online learning.


The Application of the Theory of Study Motivation in the Course of Computer;


Problems that Claims Attention in the Study of "Probability Theory and Statistical Analysis" --Radom Variables and Probability Distribution


Theories on Learning Motivation and its Enlightenment on Foreign Language Teaching;


A Study on Learning Mechanism of Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of Learning Organization Theory;


The Enlightenment of Theory of Learners Motivation on Foreign Language Teaching;


The Research on the Basic types of learning and Teaching Design──Teaching Model of Learning Double Mechanism Theory;


On Theory Mode of Foreign Language Learning Motivation in the Acquisition of the Two Languages;


Machine Learning Theory and Methods Based on Extension Logic;


How to Apply the Transfer Theory in Basic Computer Teaching;


Development of Vocational College Students Learning Motives with the Theory of Motives Changing law;


Implement Quality Education and Foster the Student’s Great Determination;

实施素质教育 培养坚强意志——学习陶行知教育思想理论随感

The Investigation of Deterministic Randomness Theory and Its Application to Chaotic Ciphers;


The Theory Study on Optical Properties and Modulating of Lasing in Random Media


Study of Self- Learning Random Neural Network And Simulation in Scheduling Management;

