they group

  • 翻译:他人团体


1)they group,他人团体2)theygroup,他人团体3)others,他人4)other,他人5)The Other,他人6)otherness,他人7)Relationship partner,关系他人8)Trust in people,信赖他人9)other-enhancement,抬举他人10)Presence of other people,他人在场


Historical Body:On Merleau-Ponty s theory of "others";


However, if we examine it from the self-others coordination, we could regard it as a systematical functions on multiple brain areas.


The manner that they dealt with the relationship between inpidual and collectivity, between selfhood and others has some significant value of instruction and edification.


To illustrate the relationship between the content of reminiscing and the ability of reasoning others mental state,74 children of 3-to 4-year-old were asked to talk about their experience and complete a set of theory of mind tasks.


The "autre/other" theory is the core of the thoughts of Emmanuel Levinas, the famous French philosopher in 20th century.


Heidegger represents his attention to the question of being-there and the other in the life-world,by analyzing the concepts of care,the other,das-man,falling,anxiety,death,and conscience in his classical philosophy work Being and Time.


In his writings, Bellow always takes the inpidual self as the center of his narration, portraying the concept of “self” through a dialectic variation of narrative unity between the past, present and the other selves.


Self-handicapping can be pided into three categories, that are behavioral self-handicapping, claimed self-handicapping and other-enhancement strategy, but what are the mechanisms, antecedent variables and consequences underlying the three categories is little known.

