attitude poll

  • 翻译:态度测验


1)attitude poll,态度测验2)attitude test,态度测验3)attitude,态度4)Attitudes,态度5)manner,态度6)environmental attitudes,环境态度7)dynamic degree,动态度8)environmental attitude,环境态度9)attitude toward environmental protection,环保态度10)scientific attitude,科学态度


Investigation on Knowledge and Attitude to Indoor Environmental Pollution and Relevant Health Problems among Deyang City's Administrative Staff;


Knowledge and Attitude Towards Tobacco Among Students in Beijing in 2005;


A Survey and Analysis on Various Factors Determing Their Leisure Life Attitude of Undergraduates in Normal Universities;


Sex related knowledge,attitudes and behaviors among middle school students in Shanghai city;


Comparative Analysis of Attitudes Toward the Global Minimum Essential Requirements in Medical Education Between Chinese Doctors and Graduates;


Knowledge and Attitudes towards HIV/AIDS among the Policemen of Re-education Through Labor institutions in Urumchi City;


Research on the Manner Education Goal of the Senior Middle School Chemistry Teaching New Curriculum;


Summery:Let the students join in the sports to be the study topic, choose the examine and study ways, go to understand the manner of joining the sports, discuss the new ideas of teaching way at P.

以中专生运动参与态度为研究课题 ,采用调查问卷法与理论分析法进行经验性研究 ,全面了解与分析中专生运动参与态度 ,探讨当前中专校体育教学改革的新视角。

In this study,we surveyed a random sample of 5000 citizens from six Chinese provinces(Beijing,Shanghai,Hubei,Hunan,Henan,and Shanxi) to understand their environmental attitudes,contrast factors(between attitudes of citizens in different demographic groups),and potential motives for environmental conservation.


According to the need of reality,the dynamic fuzzy data is separated to fuzzy data and dynamic data,a new expression method of dynamic degree is proposed,and the approximate calculation method of dynamic degree is given.


The data obtaining from statistical sources is used to analyzed the spatio-temporal change of cultivated land by using cultivated land dynamic degree and cultivated land center of gravity model.


This paper analyzes the spatio-temporal change of cultivated land by using the dynamic degree of cultivated land and cultivated land center model.

在地理信息系统技术的支持下 ,利用耕地面积变化时间序列模型、耕地动态度模型、耕地重心变化模型等 ,对湖北省咸宁市耕地的时间变化和空间变化特征进行了定量的研究 ,并应用主成分分析法 ,选择 2 3个因素对其驱动因子进行了相关分析。

A Scientific Attitude towards Marxism;


Developing student s scientific attitude in scientific inquiry process;


From Eugene O Neill s Two Works to Scientific Attitude in Literature Studies;

