Amount and water holding capacity of forest litter in Three Gorges Reservoir area;
It includes analysis of biomass,fresh weight and water holding capacity of leaves and stems,litter weights and water holding capacity,soil bulk density,soil porosity,soil moisture content,capillary moisture capacity,saturation moisture content,soil constitution and organic matter,soil permeability and erosion-resisting characteristics.
4), incubation temperature (20~70 ℃) and time (10~30 min) on water retention ( WR ) and protein solubility ( PS ) of defatted wheat germ protein flour were studied with the method of homogeneous design.
0)、加热温度(20~70 ℃)和加热时间(10~30 m in)对其持水能力和蛋白溶解度的影响。
The composition and functional properties of several wheat glutens as well as the effects of the temperature and pH value on the water retention and protein solubility were investigated in this study.
Water-holding capacity of forest litter in the mountain limestone region of Chongqing;
The effects of sodium polyacrylate(SP) on soil,water-holding capacity at different suctions of sand,silt and clay were evaluated by using centrifugal Method.
2%与1%)对3种土壤(砂土、壤土、黏土)持水能力的影响;采用大田试验研究了地表撒施2 g/m2SP对冬小麦与下季玉米产量及WUE影响。
Aiming at the poor ecological functions of the existing forest for water conservation,8 types of mixed forests for water conservation had been designed and planted in Dongyuan county of Guangdong Province and the water-holding capacity of litter and soil wa.
A study on the water-holding ability of litter and soil in different plantations of Eucalyptus urophylla, Acacia mangium, A.
The article studied the water-holding ability of litter and physical characteristics of superficial soil with barren hills as control in 13 different forest distributions in Loess Hilly Region of Qinghai Province.
A Rapid Method for Obtaining Water Retention Curve of Cement-Based Materials
Research on the Urban Forest Litter in Nanjing City and its Water-holding Capacity in Soil
The Precipitation Redistribution and Litter Water-holding Capacity of Quercus Aquifolioide Forest;
Repeat water absorbing ability of SAPs was a important index of endurance.
Study on Water-holding Ability of Litter and Soil in Different Forest Distributions in Loess Hilly Region
Water Resources Supporting Capacity for Sustaining Development in Guanzhong Region,Shaanxi Province,China
Capacity-building Programme for Sustainable Water Sector Development
The capacity of air to hold water vapor depends on its temperature and pressure.
China will actively increase the productivity of its waters so as to keep a continuous rapid increase of aquatic products.
Study on Water Resources Carrying Capacity and Sustainable Development in the Middle Region of Gansu Province;
Study on the Evaluation Method of Level and Ability of the Regional Sustainable Development;
Study on water resources carrying capacity and sustainable development in central Gansu province
Improving underwater signal detection capability by using support vector machine
Crop rotations without addition of fertilizers help maintain soil organic carbon and N levels, but do not maintain high productivity levels.
continuous service hydraulic power plant
Its capacity to fuse Ehrlich's ascites cells remained at 100% through 2 min. of UV.
Study on Theory Method and Application of Sustainable-Development-Oriented Water Resources Carrying Capacity;
Connection between Biopersity Development and Ability of Water and Soil Conservation of Abandoned Land in the Western Qinling-Bashan Mountains;