
two folded culture

two folded culture

  • 翻译:双重文化


1)two folded culture,双重文化2)biculturism,[人]双重文化3)bicultural dilemma,双重文化困境4)ability to understand dual cultures,双重文化能力5)bicultural identity,双重文化身份6)double cultural backgrond,双重文化背景


The bicultural identity of the translator makes it impossible for him to ignore completely the target social cultural factors.

译者的双重文化身份使他不可能完全忽视译语的社会文化因素 ,相反 ,译语的社会文化因素在一定程度上制约着译者对原文的理解和阐释。

The conflict between the two kinds of different value systems in the city and the countryside composes a double cultural backgrond of Liu Hongfu s prosing,and “the countryside feeling”is the detonating and motive force of the writer s prosing.

“田园情结”是刘鸿伏创作的触发点和动力 ;城乡两种不同价值体系的冲突构成了他散文创作的双重文化背景。
