
theory of children's mind

theory of children's mind

  • 翻译:童心说


1)theory of children's mind,童心说2)The Theory of Personality and the Theory of Childlike Innocence,性灵说与童心说3)childish heart and taste,童心童趣4)Childishness,童心5)Childish heart,童心6)childlike innocence,童心


Zhou Zuoren gives his attention to children and children s literature all his life : his so many the theories of children s literature , Prose and poems with childish heart and taste, and the translations of children s stories , naturally , show his children consciousness latently and obviously.


And an analyse of the childishness ,the illusion and the pursue appeared in the poet works,meanwhile the article will come to another visual angle about the perpetual contradictions of the human intension and the incapacity facing the strangulation of the purity ,and therefore realizes the deepening cognition of intension of the aesthetic conce.


All the things just shine upon childlike pictures from the depths of childishness.


Her childish heart makes her observe the world like a child to learn children s mind.

对儿童深沉的爱是其从事教育、教学研究的不竭动力 ;童心使她能用儿童的眼睛看世界 ,体察儿童的心灵世界 ;充满诗意的心灵使其发现教育、自然和生活之美 ,引导学生体验美的世界 ;她勇于实践 ,善于思考 ,理论联系实际 ,在实践中发展理论 ,此其智慧之心 ;她锲而不舍、持之以恒 ,终臻成功佳境 ,此其恒心。

Childish Heart" is both a important psychology and a substance in WAN s fiction .


In Gu Cheng s Poems ,which constructs a fairy world consisting of a childish heart,the nature and freedom,the motive of this construction and the inevitability of his tragic end are discussed.

《顾城的诗》构筑了一个童话世界 ,这个世界由童心、自然和自由构成 ,循着顾城的生命足迹 ,可以发现诗人构筑这一世界的动因及其悲剧结局的必然。

The Confluence of Childlike Innocence and Poetic Talent——Andersen and His Fairy Tale World;


Interpretation of the Metaphor in Child in the Reconstruction of Values——A Comparative Study of Nietzsche s Superman Theory and Lizhi s Childlike Innocence Theory;


With childlike innocence,a teacher can lead students into a colorful and fantastic world,and pay close attention to their feelings and life experiences.


Exploitation of Date and Causes of Li Zhi s "Theory of Child s Innocence";


Lizhi s “Childlike Innocence”is Heritage and Development of Confucianism andTaoism in XianQin;


A Comparison Between Li Zhi s "Theory of the Childlike Heart" and Croce s "Theory of the Intuitive Expression";


A Study of the Relationship between Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio And Childlike Innocence


On Lizhi's "Tongxin" Theory and Wordsworth's Proposition "The Child Is Father of the Man"


New Interpretation on Comments on Childlike Innocent by Li Zhi and Its Connotation of Aesthetics;


On Childishness and the Birth of Literary Thought of Irrationalism;


Aesthetic declaration of the modern theory of human nature;


Novel of children s standard;


A Comparative Study of Li Zhi s "Childlike Innocence" Theory and A.H.Maslow s "Second Naivete" Theory;


Insight into the Children s Disposition--Narrative Tactics from Children s Perspective in Yu Hua s Fictions;


Listen to Sound of Nature and Feel Childlike Innocence--On the Child Narrative Angle in Chi Zijian s Novels;

聆听天籁 感悟童心——迟子建小说的儿童叙事视角

Wandering About the Ways of the World;


Lizhi s Theory of TONGXI and the Principle of the Centrepiece of Music;


The Imagery of Children in the Early Novels of Bing-xin and YE Sheng-tao;


Interpretation of the Metaphor in Child in the Reconstruction of Values--A Comparative Study of Nietzsche s Superman Theory and Lizhi s Childlike Innocence Theory;


Childhood in Hometown ,Hometown of Childhood --The Psychological Interpretation of Chi Zijian s Novels Recollection;

故乡的童年 童年的故乡——迟子建小说追忆特征心理解读

International Children's Centre

