
outer directed behavior

outer directed behavior

  • 翻译:外导行为


1)outer directed behavior,外导行为2)outerdirected behavior,外导行为3)shell body,外导体4)inner /outer pitch,内、外导程5)Infrared missile,红外导弹6)Inner-cut and external-guide,内截外导7)outer guide,外导流8)IR missile,红外导弹9)external flow guiding cylinder,外导流筒10)infrared guidance,红外导向


Study on precision forging process of shell body of filter in communication apparatus;


“lnner guide”and“outer guide”is analyzed and compared.

分析和比较了燃气流内导流和外导流 。

This paper reviews the developments of IR sensors and IR missiles.

评述了红外探测器和红外导弹的发展 ,讨论和分析了激光红外对抗系统的原理 ,组成 ,关键技术及取得的重大进展。

This paper deals with the stress and strength of the nozzle zone of the external flow guiding cylinder of the shell and heat exchanger by numerical analysis of FEM and experimental stress analysis, giving the theoretical and experimental distribution laws of stresses with the aid respectively of three dimension finite element in 8 to 12 changing sopots and of the electrical measuremet.

