The Working Mechanism of the Explicit Functions of Metaphor;
Its core structure is pided into two layers,explicit and implicit,which constitute a dynamic structure changing over time.
In the pragmatic perspective,metaphor serves as a linguistic resource/means/strategy,explicitly false but implicitly appropriate,for more effectivecommunications.
The relationship between self-esteem and achievement motive of freshmen student and the mediation effect of explicit self-esteem;
Results Explicit self-esteem was significant positive correlation with subjective support, utilizations on social support and phlegmatic factor, but ve ry significant negative correlation with melancholic factor; Phlegmatic factor w a.
After their sex-role types were pided respectively into 4 kinds in positive and negative traits: masculinity,femininity,androgyny and undifferentiated,these university students explicit self-esteem differences were measured,Findings showed that there were significent differences among these students.
Polymorphism of 14bp insertion and deletion in HLA-G exon 8 involves HLA-G mRNA expression;
Expression and Exon 3 Mutation of β-Catenin in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma;
Specific expression of different DD3 gene exons in prostate cancer tissues;
Experimental Studies on Implicit Memory and Explicit Memory of Young Children with Chinese Knowledge;
Implicit memory and explicit memory are two distinct memory systems underlying different neural substrates.
The results showed: 1)Mood-congruent effect was found not only in explicit memory,but also in implicit memory; 2)Sex differences in explicit and implicit memories didn′t appear in the depressed people; 3)In the mood-congruent experiment,disabilities of explicit memory were possibly found in natural depression subjects.
A central theme in recent researches on attitude is the distinction between implicit attitude and explicit attitude.
People usually paid close attention to an explicit attitude under conscious statute, and were interested in implicit attitude under unconscious statute recently.
Polymorphism of exon 6 in peroxisome proliferators-activated receptor-γ gene in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome;
Study on Factors Influencing Penetrance of Multi-ovary in Wheat;
Aim: To analyze the penetrance and mutations of mitochodrial DNA(mtDNA) at 11778 site in Chinese Leber s hereditary optic neuropathy(LHON) patients of Han nationality.
Objective To analyze the penetrance of Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) inpiduals with mitochondrial DNA 11778 mutation in Shanxi.
目的 分析山西地区线粒体 DNA11778位点突变者外显率。