
lateral reticular nucleus

lateral reticular nucleus

  • 翻译:网状核


1)lateral reticular nucleus,网状核2)thalamic reticular nucleus,丘脑网状核3)reticular thalamic nucleus,丘脑网状核4)lateral reticular nucleus,外侧网状核5)gigantocellular reticular nucleus,巨细胞网状核6)Paramedian Reticular Nucleus,旁正中网状核


Objective To investingate the changes in neuronal activity of the thalamic reticular nucleus(TRN) following the unilateral lesion of the nigrostriatal pathway.


Objective This paper has investigated the effect of vagus nerve stimulation on firing activities of thalamic reticular nucleus(TRN) neurons in rats.

目的观察迷走神经刺激(Vagus Nerve Stimulation,VNS)对大鼠丘脑网状核(thalamic reticular nucleus,TRN)神经元自发放电的影响,探讨迷走神经刺激抗癫痫的机制。

Objective To investigate the effect of high frequency electrical stimulation in the thalamic reticular nucleus(TRN) on the epileptic rats evoked by Pentylenetetrazol(PTZ).


The spike wave (SW)pattern was monitored after electrostimulation or electrolytic destruction applied to reticular thalamic nucleus(Rt), ventral posterolateral thalamic nucleus(VPL), anteromedial thalamic nucleus(AM), and the effects of these stimulations or destructions on electroacupuncture (EA) were also observed after injection (i.


The projection of tyrosine hydroxylase-like immunoreactive (TH-LI), somatostatin-like im-munoreactive (SOM-LI) and Leucine-enkephalin-like immunoreactive (L-ENK-LI) neurons in red nucleus to lateral reticular nucleus was demonstrated by horseradish peroxidase(HRP) retrograde tracing and immunocytochemical avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex (ABC) methods.


Using the microinjection technique, the analgesic effect of neurokinin A (NKA)microinjected into the lateral reticular nucleus (LRN) and nucleus raphe magnus(NRM) was investigated in lightly pentobar bital-anesthetized rats using tail flick laten cy (TFL) as an index.


Fibrous connections between the gigantocellular reticular nucleus and the motor nucleus of cranial nerves that control the oculomotor muscles in the rat;


Fibrous projections about medullary gigantocellular reticular nucleus and visceral motor nucleus of brainstem in the rat;


Comparison of the distribution of the coticospinal neurons and the neurons projecting to the gigantocellular reticular nucleus;

