Suspension Parameter Optimization of Farm Transport Vehicle Using Covariance Method;
Blind Separation Algorithm Based on Covariance Matrix;
Admissibility of quadratic estimates of covariance;
Auto-covariance and cross-covariance and bi-cross-covariance of DBL model are evaluated inpidually in time domain.
对于对角双线性模型 (DBL(p,q,r) m odels) ,利用多元 Wiener- Ito随机积分 ,计算出了输入输出序列的自协方差、互协方差和双互协方差 。
The principle of linear prediction analysis of speech signal is introduced,the autocorrelation method,the Burg method,the covariance method which are used to solve the normal equation are analyzed in detail,then a comparison of the three methods are given.
It was found that at the condition of definite initial error condition, the EKF method might preferably calculate the evolvement of the covariance matrix to the nonlinear system, and the system state was effectively estimated.
首先阐述了EKF(Extended Kalman Filter)的算法,然后对具有混沌和高度非线性的Lorenz(1960)系统进行了数值试验,并利用Monte Carlo方法对计算的协方差阵演变进行了检验。
The clustering effect of the C-means lies on the covariance matrix of the classes and the selecting method of the initial clustering centers.
Analyzing the relationship among weights when covariance matrix is positive defined.
The steady of cross covariance matrix is analyzed, and the essence of data fusion is open out.
给出了基于异质传感器的动态状态矢量融合算法 ,针对两个采用二维理想线性卡耳曼滤波器的异质传感器 ,对融合的互协方差矩阵的稳定性进行了分析 ,揭示了数据融合的本
The authors compute auto covariance, cross covariance and bi cross covariance and obtain spectral density, cross spectral density and bi cross spectral density for LSDBL model.
针对下次对角双线性 (LSDBL)模型进行研究 ,计算出了该模型的自协方差函数、互协方差函数和双互协方差函数 ,在此基础上得到了该模型的谱密度、互谱密度和双互谱密度 。
The authors compute auto covariance, cross covariance and bi cross covariance and obtain spectral density, cross spectral density and bi cross spectral density for LSDBL model.
针对下次对角双线性 (LSDBL)模型进行研究 ,计算出了该模型的自协方差函数、互协方差函数和双互协方差函数 ,在此基础上得到了该模型的谱密度、互谱密度和双互谱密度 。
By analyzing the plant community data from a natural alpine meadow,effects of the similarity in species composition,statistical averaging,net covariance,and population variability on the relationships of species persity with the variability of aboveground biomass in alpine meadow plant community were investigated.
Joint frequency-angle estimation using a pseudocovariance matrix;