mental defective

  • 翻译:心智缺陷者


1)mental defective,心智缺陷者2)mental defect;mental defective,心智缺陷者3)mind,心智4)mentality,心智5)intelligence model,心智模式6)Thinker disposition,心智倾向7)mental model,心智模型8)intelligent skill,心智技能9)mental states,心智状态10)mind operations,心智操作


Review of Chomsky s Naturalism and Dualism in the Study of Language and Mind;


Cognitive science is the booming scientific enterprise attempting to unravel the mysteries of human mind using an interdisciplinary approach.


While mind,brain s advanced functional property,is irreducibility.


Being the permanent mission of education, enlightenment undertakes the responsibility of challenging the ignorant and illuminating the mentality of either a system or the Man.

启蒙作为教育永恒的使命 ,其责任就是向愚昧挑战、为心智解蔽 ,既关乎体制 ,又针对人。

Five quotients practice " is the innovation path of entrepreneur intelligence model.


Interface design of hand-holding mobile devices based on users mental models;


A Study on the Mental Models of Atoms and Molecules of Middle School Students;


This paper describes Agent s mental state with dynamic fuzzy logic,and proposes Agent s mental model and its related truths.


By using the theory of "the reform of cognitive strategy and intelligent skill" in psychological analysis for high education,the methods and some improvements on PLC teaching for mechatronics discipline were introduced in this paper,which can guide students to create structural net knowledge.


An intuitionistic description is introduced on the relation among mental states of agent,including belief,desire,utility,convention and intention.


This thesis also advances the pathway of how to use mind operations to denote the process of knowledge tasks.


Based on the theory of the cognitive science and the PTS of IE,the article brings out the MO(mind operations) which is the therbligs of the knowledge task process.

本文基于认知科学的理论和IE的预定时间标准法PTS原理,提出了知识作业过程的"动素"——心智操作(mind operations,MO)解析思路,把知识作业过程分解为MO,并通过案例解析把MO链还原为知识作业过程;进而,构造了MO概念集及其要素之间关系的结构模型假设,对模型假设进行了样本数据的验证性分析,其结果支持知识作业过程可用九要素的MO概念集全模型进行表征,为知识作业过程管理的方法优化和作业测定提出了心智操作分析思路。

Regarding knowledge task process as a series of mind operations in human brain, and using the method of confirmative factor analysis (structural equation model), the paper presented the knowledge task process model.

