
cost reward analysis of helping behavior

cost reward analysis of helping behavior

  • 翻译:助人得失分析


1)cost reward analysis of helping behavior,助人得失分析2)costreward analysis of helping behavior,助人得失分析3)helping,助人4)secondary care-giver,辅助人员5)Willingness for help,助人意愿6)patronage,赞助人7)taking pleasure in helping others,助人为乐8)helping behavior,助人行为9)The Helping Relationship,助人关系10)patron,赞助人


The future society, which is a cooperative one, should need not only the well cooperative spirit between different peoples, but also a good quality on helping each other.


An investigation of secondary care-givers’ hand hygiene knowledge and be- haviors;


The result degree affects willingness for help.


On the Influence of the Manipulation by Ideology and Patronage on "Unfaithfulness" in Translation—— Comparative Study on the Two English Versions of Hong Lou Meng;


As an external factor, patronage manipulates internal translation activities.


In this paper,the theory of patronage is analyzed firstly,and then some different translation models are pointed out,and in the end how patronage influences translation is analysed.


While interpersonal helping has been recognized as crucial for organization success,in this research we have investigated the potential negative impacts of helping behavior on employees.


This paper has analyzed some important results of the research of sex differences and argued that there is no significant sex difference on helping behavior,empathy,aggression,and conformity.


After a review of related literature, this paper proposes, based on the Moral Affect Theory and the Broaden-and-build Theory, that gratitude is different from both reciprocity norms and common positive emotions in that it can promote helping behavior.


This paper concludes that it is the manipulation of ideology,the force of patron and the acceptance of cental culture that results in the large scale of the translation and introduction activity of foreign legal works in the late Qing Dynasty.


Liang Qichao is deemed as a deservedly outstanding literary translations patron in China s modem history.


Tracing the journey of their works from marginality to centerpiece in literary history, this paper holds that ideology, poetics and patron play a vital role in the way to canon, which is a universal law applicable to different national literatures.

