It reaches the conclusion that the negative backwash of composition test in CET-4 and CET-6 counts for the phenomenon.
Good composition is attributed to creation and good thinking is attributed to difference;
文贵求新 思贵求异——作文教学中创造性思维能力的培养
Experiment research into the reform of correction of compositions in college English teaching;
Problems in composition writing in senior schools;
New Writing Training Methods for Pupils in the Multimedia Environment;
Three Noes&Three Yeses In Writing Teaching;
Inpiduation Writing Teaching of Senior Middle School Students;
Therefore,how to inspire the students′ interests should be taken as the starting point of the compositions direction.
Estimating and correcting compositions is an important link in the teaching of compositions.
When Chinese students write English compositions,they are likely to use Chinese to guide the whole writing process.
An Investigation into Non-English Majors Attitude toward Peer Response in English Writing;
On computerized auxiliary management of English writing test;
The present paper studies the shift of discourse point of view by investigating 48 college students use of personal pronouns in english writing.
Teacher s cooperative culture is a complex psychological phenomenon of social culture.
The paper generalizes the present state of cooperative culture study of institutions of higher learning in recent years and focuses on analysis of related concepts,feature,function,constructive way and hotspot of the cooperative culture.
Based on three aspects, the putting forward and guide principle of the learning school, the necessity of construction of cooperative culture of the learning school, and the construction and cultivation of inner cooperative culture of the learning school, the author put forward that the successful construction of the learning school should be supported by cooperative culture.