idea motor

  • 翻译:意念运动


1)idea motor,意念运动2)ideamotor,意念运动3)Thought,意念4)Idea,意念5)image,意念6)imagery,意念7)consciousness,意念8)conceit,意念9)Intention,意念10)Suicide ideation,自杀意念


A Writer Who Advocates Tears and Laugh:Interpretation upon Thought in Liang Yuchun s Essays;


The exercises of Taoism are mainly the gymnosophist guides the activity of air with the thought;Buddhism s leading a pious life,is also the movement which the gymnosophist realizes;The Confucianist raises the noble spirit,is for a long time persevering consciousness in the psychology which one kind of Confucianist public figure advocates.


Analysis on Idea of Suicide and its Influence Factors Among 4,066 Adolescents in Liuzhou City;


On ideas of binding and layouting design in practice;


In teaching,the training should be conducted from the easy to the difficult and importance should be attached to combining rhythm and idea in bar training exercises,and give a full play to students inpiduality,charm and artistic creation so as to effectively improve dancing quality of ethnic minority students.


Breathing and image in body-building s training;


Breathing and Image in Body-building s Training;


Image and Impression in Graphic Language Creativity;


The creative process of the false concept can be analysed somelinks, and a false concept could be understood as a thought product which has noany real reflected objects that is made from the cognitive chunks, such as theperceptional representations and the mental imagery etc, by association and imagination.

从认知信息加工角度 ,我们可以将虚概念的生成过程解析为若干环节 ;将虚概念理解为以感知表象、心理意念等认知组块 ,通过联想、想象等匹配机制产生的无现实反映对象的思维产品。

According to western philosophy, studied from the perspective of consciousness and phenomena, the proposition could be re-explained as the following: objects,existing in the consciousness as well as in phenomena,are the re-construction of knowledge and objects whereas heart is the existence domain of.


Study on Affecting Factors for Suicide Ideation of University Students;


Analysis on suicide ideation and its risk factors among medical undergraduate students;


Study on Life Events, Social Support and Suicide Ideation among the Elderly in Yuanjiang County, Hunan;

